“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

- St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Parish Ministries

Assists the priest at Mass. Training is provided for new servers. Open to youth and adults, scheduled on a rotating basis.

Proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Training is provided for new lectors. Scheduled on a rotating basis.

Distribute Holy Communion at weekend Mass.

For adults who serve as ministers of hospitality at weekend Mass, greeting people, assisting with seating parishioners, receiving offerings, handing out bulletins, and making sure the church looks neat after people have left.

Place the collection in a tamper-proof bag. After the 10:30 Sunday Mass, the offertory is counted by the Collection Stewards. Holy days require schedule adjustments.

Spiritual Life & Adult Formation

The group meets once a week on Tuesday at 8:30 am for one hour to study the readings that will be used at the following weekend Mass. Each session allows members a chance to learn, share, and pray together.

The group meets once a week on Thursday at 9:00 am for one hour in person or via ZOOM, permitting seasonal residents to participate from anywhere to study the readings that will be used in the following weekend Mass. Each session allows members a chance to learn, share, and pray together.

Gathers after Mass to recite the rosary.

Community Life

Plans and coordinates Parish social gatherings in the Parish Life Center (PLC).

Assist at events and programs scheduled in the PLC including AV and kitchen responsibilities. Training will be provided.

Individuals with talents and abilities to oversee the maintenance of Parish buildings and grounds.

If you are interested in organizing this group please contact the pastor.

Service & Outreach

Collect the food donated by parishioners and deliver to the food pantry at St. Francis of Assisi in Grove City.

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